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 Post subject: [L2OFF ] Autumn Season x30
PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:47 pm 
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Joined: Wed May 04, 2011 7:59 pm
Posts: 1372
Location: Romania
Opening October 14 at 19:00 (UTC +3)
Open Beta Test from October 10

This is pre-announcing of autumn season server, so we want to share some key points of it.
(Full details with road map we announce a bit latter)

Main features
Modern Classic client (less lags, smoother gameplay).
Episodes (we open new content step by step to keep balance).
Daily rewards. (login to the game every day and get rewards).
Reworked and very useful Residence skills.
Item Broker Auctions in towns and daily Giran Harbor Fair (allows you to get temporary epic jewelry and other goods).
Masterwork items (can be obtained by crafting or farming RBs, have better bonuses than regular items).
Team vs Team event with seasonal class-based ranking system and great reawards. - unlocked over episodes.
PvP item improvement allows you to improve your items with additional bonuses. - unlocked over episodes.
Cyclic macros (macros restarts when finishes) - unlocked over episodes.
Instance Zones (Rim Kamaloka, Hall of Abyss, Labyrinth of Abyss, Crystal Caverns) - unlocked over episodes.

Changes since the last winter season
Over the years of work our project obtain a lot of new content and features.
This allows our players to play for a long time even at high rate server and keep their interest in the game.
But also this huge amount of new content make server look slightly different than some people expect.
So, based on the feedback and wishes of our players, this season we want to go BACK TO THE ROOTS .
The key goal is to quickly gear up your character to get out from farming and take part in pvp, daily fights and get more fun from the PVP server.
We reworked our schedule and concept to make server look much more closer to CLASSIC INTERLUDE.

Now from the season start will be:
- NO cyclic macros
- NO new locations.
- NO instance zones.
- NO Giant's Codex - Mastery.
- NO active talent skills at Talent Tree. (these skills will be obtained from spellbooks)
- NO Team vs Team event. (will be activated in a few weeks)
- LESS custom skills for each classes (each class will have 1 custom skill obtainable from spellbooks)

And in addition we will add:
- MORE value of raid bosses farm.
- MORE useful drop at FOG/IT and some other locations.
- MORE rewards at Grand Olympiad Games.
This will allow you to focus on fights, rather than nonstop grinding new content.

Other information
x30 Exp Rates
From the start, all characters have 24 slots buffs (you don't need Divinity books)
All characters have from start buff book with all buffs. From Astarte, you can get book with buff profiles
Simplified system for getting Nobles
Reduced respawn for regular RB to 8h, improved reward in the drop from regular RBs
We have destroyed the stereotypes that PvP servers live for a couple of weeks.
Our Union x50 server proves it (working for 3+ years with good online and clans fighting for Epic bosses and on Daily PvP).
We have enough content that will allow you to maintain interest in the game all the time!
And we are always working on improving the game and adding new interesting activities and content.

Seasonal servers have a road map. At the end of the season, the server will be merged with the Union server, usually this happens 5-6 months after the start.
So if you're new on Dex, you can start from zero like all othe players on Seasonal server.
All your items and characters will be safe, and you can continue play when season over on our main server - Union.

High-end content
(unlocked over episodes)

Talent Tree system - Lineage2Dex | Forum | Lineage 2 Classic | Interlude
Steel Citadel - Lineage2Dex | Forum | Lineage 2 Classic | Interlude
Anomic Foundry and Elixirs - Lineage2Dex | Forum | Lineage 2 Classic | Interlude
Ancient Mansion, Cursed Town & Charms! - Lineage2Dex | Forum | Lineage 2 Classic | Interlude
Beleth - Cursed Wizard - Lineage2Dex | Forum | Lineage 2 Classic | Interlude

We will be glad to hear any comments and suggestions on our discord channel, join it we have very friendly community there :)
- Join discord

- Join Discord Dex Community chat
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