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 Post subject: Need help with setting up my own server
PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 1:57 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:48 am
Posts: 227
Hello, I've always wanted my own server (a local one, just for me), so that I could play Lineage 2 anytime, with any character, with any skill set or a combination of skills, any rates etc. Sadly, I still can't make it. There are instructions on the internet, but even when I try to follow them I just can't get through with the process. Its just too much mySQL etc. nonsense.

So can anyone help me build the server more easily? Or pehraps link me an already working server where I just edit the IP adress or something? I'm looking for an Interlude server, but I would also take newer chronicles if there wasn't a choice.


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 Post subject: Re: Need help with setting up my own server
PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 7:14 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 26, 2021 8:58 pm
Posts: 240
MaxTunnerX wrote:
Hello, I've always wanted my own server (a local one, just for me), so that I could play Lineage 2 anytime, with any character, with any skill set or a combination of skills, any rates etc. Sadly, I still can't make it. There are instructions on the internet, but even when I try to follow them I just can't get through with the process. Its just too much mySQL etc. nonsense.

So can anyone help me build the server more easily? Or pehraps link me an already working server where I just edit the IP adress or something? I'm looking for an Interlude server, but I would also take newer chronicles if there wasn't a choice.


Well you could try this.

Then visit

Now I followed the complete setup guide.

But I used Navicat to access the SQL data and I use MySql for the database. I used it instead of MariaDB, because I am familiar with MySQL.

Also I created a SQL file to start the data base.

db install -sql C:\opt\l2j\server\login\sql -u l2j -p l2jserver2019 -m FULL -t LOGIN -c -mods
db install -sql C:\opt\l2j\server\game\sql -u l2j -p l2jserver2019 -m FULL -t GAME -c -mods

Now your file would be different depending on the location of your files.

But if you need help from the pros, I suggest you login to that forum Join their Discord and ask nicely. There is usually someone who can help you. Sometimes you may have to wait a day or two to get an answer, but they are very helpful there.

Then you just need the High Five Freya client, modify your l2.ini and you are golden.

Your biggest time sink will be all the config files. You have a ton of options. I suggest you stay with default. Make a backup of all the config files.

That way if you change something that has an undesired effect you can go back and fix it.

Hope this helps you a bit. They also have install guides for Linux.

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